I solve business problems with software
Full-stack engineer. Entrepreneur. CTO at WeFix.
I'm your host, Petrus Theron, a software engineer in Cape Town, South Africa. I have been building commercial web applications professionally since 2003. More about me →.
Latest Essay: Making Incisions in Clojure →
My Work Selected Projects
Chessmate (2005)
My high school Chess AI made it into a Minecraft mod called MineChess
- Iterative deepening minimax search algorithm with alpha-beta pruning and simple horizon detection.
- No opening book or en-passant.
- Won a regional prize (cash must have gotten lost in the mail).
Skills & Qualifications

Formal Education
I have a degree in Electronic Engineering with Computer Science from Stellenbosch University.

Product Design
I have taken several software products from concept to implementation.

UX Design
I design gorgeous user interfaces that are intuitive and simple to use.

Software Architecture
I am experienced in designing large, scalable software systems in various technologies.

I have built and run several online stores since 2007 which sold digital and physical products by accepting international credit card payments.

Branding & Copywriting
I can communicate well in the written and spoken word, with a good feel for memorable branding.